Reception 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Kesedzic
About Our Class
Welcome to Reception 1 -
In Reception 1, we provide the children with exciting, interesting experiences both in the indoor and outdoor environment with the aim to promote learning, inspire curiosity, awe and wonder. In Reception 1 we encourage children to delight in discovering and experiencing the world around them, which we hope will develop into a lifelong love of learning.
We have high expectations of our children and through nurturing their confidence and self-belief, we encourage them to have high expectations of themselves.
Spring 2 Overview
Maths - Length, height & time. 3D shapes. Please also practice number formation at home with your children.
English - Little Red by Bethan Woolvin
Science - Plants
Computing - "Look what I can do" Unit 2. Children will recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.
They select and use technology for particular purposes -
Physical Education - Dance Animals (minibeasts) - P.E is on a TUESDAY throughout Spring 2
An overview of learning for this half term is detailed in the curriculum overview, found on this class page.
Class Dojo
A variety of information is shared on our school and class Dojo page. Please ensure you are signed up to receive the latest updates!
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Miss Kesedzic
EYFS Lead / Class Teacher / Assistant Senco