Year 6R 2024 - 2025

Mr Reilly

Welcome to Year 6R

Our Year 6 class is Run DMC class.

What we are learning this half term:

English- In English this half term, we will be immersing ourselves in the text, 'Skellig'. The children will be learning how to answer comprehension questions by using evidence from the text. 

Maths- In maths, we will be working on how to measure angles in our shape unit and we will also be revising area, perimeter and volume.

Science- Our science topic, this half term, is 'Evolution and Inheritance'. We will be investigating questions such as, 'What is evolution?', 'Why do adapatations matter?' and 'What can fossils reveal?'. 

Geography- Over the next 6 weeks, we willl be exploring the Geography of Jamaica.

History- In history we will be immersing ourselves in the rich history of Manchester - a city in time 

Religion- In religion we will be learning about 'Reason and Revelation' where we will look at quesitons such as, 'Where did the Universe come from?'

Shared Reading- In our reading lessons, we will be reading 'The Giant's Necklace'. We will be anlaysing this text and using evidence to answer comprehension questions.

P.E.- PE will be on a Thursday this half term, so please ensure that your child wears their Banks Road PE kit on this day. Our topic this half term is Football & Hockey.

PSHE- Our next PSHE topic is, 'Healthy Me'. We will be discussing how the children can take responsibility for their own physical and emotional health and how the choices they make can be linked to this.

Music- Every Thursday, children in Year 6 will be practising their string instruments. They will also be performing their pieces as a part of an orchestra.

DT- In DT the children will be exploring systems and control.

You can find overviews of our units of work and enjoy photos capturing memorable moments from our activities. We are excited to observe your child's growth and we look forward to another fantastic half term of exploration and discovery!



Homework will be set on MyMaths, every Friday. The expectation is that homework should be submitted each Thursday.

Your child should also be practising the multiplication tables each day.

Your child has also been provided with a reading book, tailored to their level of reading. It is expected that a children should read several times a week which is to be recorded in their reading records.

Key Dates:

  • 3rd March - KS2 Boccia Competition
  • 24th-28th March - National Shakespeare Week
  • 3rd April - KS2 Netball Competition
  • 3rd April - Dance Showcase
  • 4th April - Banks Road Easter Fun Run

Contact Details:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via ClassDojo. If you need support with accessing ClassDojo, please ask me at the end of the day and I will be happy to assist you.

Mr. Reilly

Class Teacher

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Year 6R: Calendar items

Banks Road
Primary School

Banks Road
Garston, Liverpool L19 8JZ

0151 427 4360

Contact Us

Nicola McGee | Business Manager

[email protected]

Alison Seaton | SENCO

[email protected]

Providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve their highest potential.