Attendance & Punctuality

Our school’s attendance target is 97% for all children.

At Banks Road Primary School, we are committed to excellent attendance at school. We strive to ensure that every child achieves the local authority target of 97% attendance.

Please see below for the policies and procedures that we have in place to ensure that every child fully accesses their education, giving them the greatest chance to achieve their full potential.


Absences must be reported to the school office before 9.00.a.m. on the first day that your child is absent from school. We have the facilities for you to leave a message before 8am but we may make a follow-up call if the reason for your child’s absence is unclear.

First Response

If school does not receive notification of a child’s absence, then a first response action is taken. This is firstly a phone call but will then be followed by a house visit if the phone call is unsuccessful. This is a safeguarding response to ensure that every child at our school is accounted for every day.

Legal Responsibilities & Procedures

Children who do not attend school regularly are less likely to achieve their full potential. As a school, it is our responsibility to ensure that every child has the opportunities to reach their full potential. We therefore seek the support of the Educational Welfare Service whenever irregular attendance occurs and when this subsequently becomes a barrier to learning.

Help and Support

If you are struggling to get your child into school, there are many people in school who can help and support you. We value good communication from parents/carers and would welcome any parents/carers to come in to school to discuss any concerns.

Files to Download

Banks Road
Primary School

Banks Road
Garston, Liverpool L19 8JZ

0151 427 4360

Contact Us

Nicola McGee | Business Manager

[email protected]

Alison Seaton | SENCO

[email protected]

Providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve their highest potential.