Year 4S 2024 - 2025
Mrs Seaton
About Our Class
Welcome to the webpage of 4S! We are excited for a half-term full of interesting topics and fun activities. You can find our Curriculum Map below, outlining everything your child will be learning this term.
To support learning at home, homework will be sent home every Friday. Children will bring a spelling and Maths activity which should be completed by the following Thursday. Your child should also be practising their multiplication tables daily for 10 minutes. In addition, we encourage children to read daily for at least 10 minutes to foster a love of reading.
MUSIC - Children are required to bring their instrument in to school on Wednesdays.
Curriculum Map - Spring 2
Maths - Fractions and Decimals
English - 'The Lost Happy Endings' by Carole Ann Duffy
Science - Living Things and Their Habitats
Geography - Tourism
History - Christianity in Three Empires
Religion - The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
PE - Swimming (Thursdays)
DT - Systems and Control Light Displays
PSHE - Healthy Me
Computing - Systems and Controls
Contact Details
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo. If you need support accessing Class Dojo, please speak to me at the end of the day and I wouyld be happy to assist you.
Class Teacher
Files to Download
04 Ages 7-8 Jigsaw Skills and knowledge progression for parents FINAL.pdf Eng overview.pdf Year 4 Maths Overview.docx Year 4 Spring 2 Science Living Things and their Habitats Progression Map (6).pdf