A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place is a well-used intervention designed to support pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs. Quiet Place started several years ago and is based at Stockton Wood Primary School in Speke nearby. A Quiet Place is a therapeutic programme of support which includes heart math, peer massage and narrative therapy.

Quiet Place psychotherapists Maria and Audrey have trained our Learning Mentor to deliver heart math and body work (hand massage). Children from Banks Road are also referred to Tier 3 Quiet Place therapy if the SENCO in conjunction with parents and carers agrees that this is appropriate. This takes place at Stockton Wood Primary School for one morning each week.

To find out more about A Quiet Place please visit:http://www.aquietplace.co.uk/meet-the-team/

Take a look at some of the photographs of some classes taking part in peer massage and mindfulness lessons with Maria from A Quiet Place…

Banks Road
Primary School

Banks Road
Garston, Liverpool L19 8JZ

0151 427 4360

Contact Us

Nicola McGee | Business Manager

[email protected]

Alison Seaton | SENCO

[email protected]

Providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve their highest potential.