
Curriculum Lead - Miss Cooke

Curriculum Intent

At Banks Road Primary School, we believe that a high quality Science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Our Science curriculum outlines carefully chosen, cumulative knowledge, vocabulary and skills so that children can build upon what they’ve learnt with confidence and success. We prioritise the explicit teaching of age and topic-appropriate vocabulary to give children the best opportunity to engage with science learning. We recognise the abstract nature of many scientific concepts, so adopt a very practical approach to teaching and learning in this subject. The children at Banks Road regularly answer scientific questions and work like scientists through 5 different enquiry types across each year, making use of the appropriate Maths skills.

Curriculum Implementation

At Banks Road, we use the framework PLAN to teach Understanding the World of Development Matters and the Science National Curriculum in EYFS and KS1; we use the framework Haringey Education Partnership to teach the Science National Curriculum in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Using the TAPS framework, we have developed a whole school enquiry map to ensure that children at our school experience 5 different enquiry types, and are explicitly taught age appropriate scientific skills. The enquiry types that all children experience each year include: observation over time, research, comparative and fair testing, pattern-seeking and identifying and classifying. Children at Banks Road apply their mathematical knowledge in Science lessons by collecting, presenting and analysing data, with age-appropriate links to measure and statistics made in each year group. Teachers at Banks Road model the use of Science vocabulary, and give regular opportunities for children to practise and recall so that they achieve a deeper understanding. The children at Banks Road are exposed to memorable experiences that enrich their Science learning, including: British Science Week activities, external visitors including the Royal Institution’s Science in School, chick-hatching experiences and workshop activities with Chester Zoo.

Curriculum Impact

Teachers use of end of topic quizzes to monitor children’s understanding of core knowledge, and adapt their teaching accordingly. Our carefully planned curriculum will ensure that children at Banks Road see themselves as scientists as they will have answered questions successfully using a range of different methods, including their learning from Maths. They will have high aspirations, which will see them through to further study, work and a successful adult life. Children in Upper Key Stage 2 will begin to consider how to undertake different types of enquiry, using their earlier primary experiences. At the end of each year, all children will have been explicitly taught age appropriate skills; teachers will use TAPS Assessments to monitor children’s progress, and adapt their teaching accordingly. Children will have made use of vocabulary tasks and regular practise within lessons so that they have a richer vocabulary in their long term memory, enabling them to articulate their understanding of taught concepts and tackle future Science learning. Teachers at Banks Road know the importance of practise and recall; the impact being that core knowledge will move to the long term memory.

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Banks Road
Primary School

Banks Road
Garston, Liverpool L19 8JZ

0151 427 4360

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[email protected]

Alison Seaton | SENCO

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Providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve their highest potential.