


Governors Category

Appointment Date

Pecuniary Interests

Dr J. O'Malley (Vice Chair) Co-Opted 05/12/23  
Mr D. Sweet Local Authority 05/12/23  
Ms G. Dockery Co-Opted 21/09/22  
Mr J. Wilson Headteacher 01/05/23 Headteacher at Banks Road Primary School
Mrs R. Robinson (Chair and Nominated Governor for Safeguarding) Co-Opted 18/03/20  
Ms D. Talavera Parent Governor 02/12/21  
Ms S. Chua Parent Governor 18/03/20  
Mr J. Savage Staff Governor  24/01/22 Deputy Headteacher of Banks Road Primary School
Dr. T. Crowley Co-Opted 26/03/24  
Mrs G. Langley (Nominated Governor for SEND) Co-Opted 16/05/23 Assistant Headteacher and SENCO at a primary school in Liverpool
Miss C. Gainey Co-Opted 16/05/23 Assistant Headteacher at Banks Road Primary School
VACANCY Co-Opted    

Clerk to the Governors – Richard Anderson

The Board of Governors at Banks Road Primary School is a team of people, drawn from a wide range of backgrounds including parents, staff, and others co-opted from the community. We share the school’s aim to support all the children in a caring, safe and friendly environment and are ambitious for them all to achieve the very best outcomes.

We are confident that the staff at Banks Road Primary School deliver a broad, balanced curriculum, aiming for continuous improvement in the education offered and the well-being of every child.

From time to time there are vacancies for Governors and we would welcome anyone who has particular expertise or is interested in sharing the strategic vision for the education of Banks Road Primary School’s children. We would encourage them to get in touch with us or talk to other governors and volunteer for this important role.


Further information

School governors are members of a school’s Governing Board.  They have responsibility for raising school standards through their three core strategic functions of:

  •       Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  •       Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  •       Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Our Governing Board is made up of Co-opted Governors, a Staff Governor, Parent Governors, a Head Teacher Governor and a Clerk to the Governing Board.

Our Governing Board meets half termly. Committees such as Staffing, Finance and Curriculum are convened as and when required.

Rachael Robinson
(Chair of Governors)

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Banks Road
Primary School

Banks Road
Garston, Liverpool L19 8JZ

0151 427 4360

Contact Us

Nicola McGee | Business Manager

[email protected]

Alison Seaton | SENCO

[email protected]

Providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve their highest potential.