School Uniform

At Banks Road Primary School, we expect all children to wear our school uniform.

We believe that wearing our school uniform encourages a sense of belonging and plays an important part of our whole school ethos.

We want all children to feel proud to wear our Banks Road uniform.

We expect all children to wear a Banks Road school jumper or cardigan, both of which are branded with our school logo.  These items can be purchased on the ‘School Shop’, which can be accessed via the school’s website:

All other items of our school uniform, including black school shoes, grey trousers/ shorts/ skirts/ pinafores and white shirts can be purchased from any high street store or supermarket.

We also expect all children to wear school uniform PE kit (including suitable trainers) on the day they have their PE lesson. Children can wear either a Banks Road school jog-suit, which is branded with our school logo, or shorts and t-shirt for PE.

We also offer optional Banks Road book bags, school ties and baseball caps, all of which can be purchased on the ‘School Shop’, which can be accessed via the school’s website:

Parents/ carers of new-starting children can order school uniform ahead of their child’s start date. They will be given an order form by a member of the school office team as part of their child’s admission.

Main Uniform

Autumn/ Winter:

  • White blouse* or white shirt* and school tie
  • Banks Road jumper or cardigan
  • Grey skirt* or pinafore dress*
  • Grey/ white/ black socks*
  • Grey trousers*


  • Blue and white, or yellow and white gingham dress. Not pink, green or purple, as these are the colours of other schools.
  • Grey trousers* or shorts*
  • Banks Road polo shirt or white shirt and tie

* These items can be purchased from any high street store or supermarket.


  • All children must wear black school shoes.
  • Trainers are not permitted unless children are wearing their PE kit.
  • Children are permitted to wear white sandals with their summer uniform.

Hair, jewellery and accessories

  • No jewellery is allowed except for a watch and only small, plain studs if children have pierced ears. No other types of earrings are permitted.
  • Analogue or digital watches can be worn; however, smart watches are not allowed. Children can wear ‘Fitbits’ (or other forms of step-counting wrist technology) so long as there is no camera facility or internet access.
  • Hair accessories are to be kept to a discreet minimum.
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • Dyed hair or shaved tramlines are not allowed.
  • Nail varnish or false/acrylic nails should not be worn in school.
  • Make up should not be worn in school.

Other items

Children also require the following items, all of which must be clearly labelled with the child’s name:

  • Coat/ jacket, which is suitable for the weather
  • School bag
  • Wellies (only applicable for children in Nursery and Reception)
  • Hat, scarf and/or gloves, as appropriate for the weather

Banks Road
Primary School

Banks Road
Garston, Liverpool L19 8JZ

0151 427 4360

Contact Us

Nicola McGee | Business Manager

[email protected]

Alison Seaton | SENCO

[email protected]

Providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve their highest potential.