Year 2C 2024 - 2025
Miss Cooke
About Our Class
Welcome to Year 2C's class webpage! Reading is our top priority in Year 2. We want our children to read with fluency and automaticity, and have lots of fun as we go! You can find our Curriculum Map below, outlining everything your child will be learning this half term.
To support learning at home, children should complete a weekly online Maths task and practise a spelling list that they will bring home each Friday. Children will also bring home a Phonics book and reading for pleasure book to read each week. We encourage pupils to read their Phonics book at least three times a week to improve fluency.
Curriculum Map Autumn 2:
- History - Great Change Makers of the World
- Maths- Addition and Subtraction and Shape
- Geography - Weather and Climate
- Science - Materials
- PSHE - Celebrating Differences
- PE - Athletics
- English- Setting Narrative and Diary Entry based on The Night Gardener
- Computing- Coding Algorithms
- DT- Mechanisms
- Art- Art skills day 20.11.24
PE Day
We will have PE each week on a Friday. Our topic is 'Athletics'
Y2C Team
Miss Cooke - Class Teacher
Mr Morrisey - Classroom Assistant
Useful Links
Please click on the links below for more information about the Year 2 curriculum.